Loading Dock Gallery
122 Western Avenue
Lowell, MA
Show: Size Matters: Small Works by Loading Dock Gallery Artists
Show dates: August 3 – August 28
Opening Reception: Saturday, August 6 from 5-7pm
Size matters, in some things more than others! When it comes to making art, working small can be as challenging and exciting as working big. This August, artists of the Loading Dock Gallery will have a chance to strut their small stuff in the exhibit Size Matters: Small Works by Loading Dock Artists.
All work in the show — both two-dimensional and three-dimensional — will be no larger than 12” in any direction. Artists working in photography, collage, ceramics, printmaking, sculpture, fiber art, acrylic, watercolor and oil painting will all be included. The work will be priced according to its size.
“Small is beautiful,” says Loading Dock Gallery curator Laurie Simko. “This is a show for art lovers who may want to add to their collection, and for those just purchasing their first piece of original art.”
Many great thinkers and creative minds have addressed the issue of small. “Notice the small things. The rewards are inversely proportional,” said actress Liz Vassey. “Great things are done by a series of small things brought together,” according to artist Vincent Van Gogh. And Sister Theresa said, “Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.”
Size Matters, Small Works by Loading Dock Gallery Artists runs from August 3 to August 28 at the Loading Dock Gallery at Western Avenue Studios, Lowell MA, with an opening reception on Saturday, August 6 from 5 to 7 pm, immediately following First Saturday Open Studios (from noon to 5pm). The Loading Dock Gallery, a part of Loading Dock Arts, is open Wednesday through Saturday, 12 noon to 5:30 pm, Thursday evenings until 8:30 pm and Sunday 12 noon to 4 pm. For more information, call 978-656-1687 or visit