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The Whistler House Museum of Art Announces New Exhibition: 2017 Fall Juried Members Exhibition

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The Whistler House Museum of Art is pleased to announce its upcoming exhibition, the 2017 Fall Juried Members Exhibition. The show will run from November 18, 2017 to January 27, 2018. An opening reception will be held on Saturday, November 18, from 2 to 4 pm in the Parker Gallery.
The Lowell Art Association, Inc. (LAA) is the oldest incorporated art association in the country. In this year’s Fall Juried Members Exhibition, see works from the artist members of the LAA in a range of subjects and mediums. The works of art featured in the exhibition represent both modernist and traditional methods and aesthetics.Through paintings, drawings, sculpture, fiber art, printmaking, and photography, experience the world through varying perspectives in this exciting new show.
Juror John Avakian selected 70 works from more than 250 submissions by over 110 artist members of the Lowell Art Association. The works will be judged on such criteria as technique, composition, perspective, and originality.  
Avakian graduated from the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston (SMFA) and went on to obtain a BFA and an MFA from Yale University, majoring in painting and minoring in printmaking.
Avakian has taught graphic design and fine arts at the SMFA, Paier College of Art, and Northeastern University, where he received a letter of recognition for “15-years of dedicated and effective teaching”. He is currently a member of the Monotype Guild of New England, Boston Printmakers, New Haven Paint and Clay Club, and the Whistler House Museum of Art.
In 1991, after a long hiatus from painting, John focused his energies on a new and exciting media: monotypes and monoprints as a means to reintroduce himself back into the art making process. This was accomplished by years of experimentation, combining various monotype techniques, inked materials as well as etching, drypoint, chine collé, and collograph methods, and finally a paper-litho method of transferring images and text to paper that is unique and rare in its usage in the printmaking communities, and unparalleled in its development of transferring images to paper. 
The content of John’s work covers a wide range of subjects, including a series of investigations in abstract experimental imagery sometimes combined with mythical forms, powerful sociopolitical and existential themes, family legacy, the Armenian Genocides, large-scale portraits, symmetry as beauty and mystery, and the infinite changing form of the cosmos.
Avakian’s work has been shown in 37 group and 7 solo shows, and has been highly praised, receiving 15 awards and prizes. He most recently received the Weiss Sisters Prize for best print in the New Haven Paint and Clay Club in 2014.  In 2016, he was awarded a lifetime honorary membership from the Monotype Guild of New England, of which Avakian has been a member of for 11 years and on the board for 5 years. In February of 2016, a catalog of his series of works on the Armenian Genocide was published by the Thompson Gallery, entitled John Avakian- If I Begin to Cry, by Todd Bartel.    
“Every year we are getting more impressive fine works of art from the ever-growing artist membership of the Lowell Art Association, Inc.,” says President and Executive Director Sara Bogosian. “Everyone should come and experience the wide variety of works that are a part of this new and exciting show.”  

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