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Weaving Global Textile Justice

Lowell National Historical Park Boott Cotton Mills Museum Counting House 115 John Street, Lowell, United States

Join Elizabeth Pellerito, director of the UMass Lowell Labor Education Program, for "Weaving Global Textile Justice" a free crafting workshop. Learn about the fast fashion industry and the impacts on workers and the environment. Discuss ways workers are fighting back and how people can support them. Following the discussion, learn to weave with used textiles....


Lowell Kids Week: Instrument Petting Zoo

Lowell National Historical Park Boott Cotton Mills Museum Counting House 115 John Street, Lowell, United States

All ages; Registration required Many instruments large and small will be waiting to be played! Come by to try a drum or a ukulele, an "otto" or a thumb harp...or go on an instrument scavenger hunt! A time to explore and engage, with musicians available for instruction or just plain fun. Please Register at


Lowell Kids Week: Making Musical Instruments

Lowell National Historical Park Boott Cotton Mills Museum Counting House 115 John Street, Lowell, United States

All ages Come learn about musical instruments from around the world and try your hand at creating one of your own to take home. Visit our website for more information


Lowell kids Week: Maritime Connections

Lowell National Historical Park Boott Cotton Mills Museum Counting House 115 John Street, Lowell, United States

All ages Join rangers from three national parks to experiment with crafts that relate to our maritime neighbors. Learn to twist rope and how it would be made in centuries past. Create your own house flag so you can help others identify your home or ship as yours and try different methods to fold your...


Lowell Kids Week: Try Fabric Printing

Lowell National Historical Park Boott Cotton Mills Museum Counting House 115 John Street, Lowell, United States

All Ages Join rangers from two national parks to design and print your own patterns on fabric. Use inspiration from 19th Century fabric swatch books and fabric made here in Lowell. Visit our website for more information


Lowell Kids Week: Paper Airplane Workshop

Lowell National Historical Park Boott Cotton Mills Museum Counting House 115 John Street, Lowell, United States

Grades 1-5 Do you know how a paper plane works? Join us for this hands-on STEM activity as we create and design our own paper planes. Together we'll learn about how the structure of a paper plane determines how it will fly. Also discover a new book with the Pollard Memorial Library Bookmobile Team that...


Lowell Kids Week: SWON– Shipbuilding Women of the Navy

Lowell National Historical Park Boott Cotton Mills Museum Counting House 115 John Street, Lowell, United States

All ages, no registration required, During World War II women all over America did industrial jobs to help win the war. Explore a few skills women used to build ships in Boston Navy Yard. Try you hand at building a circuit board. Pose for a “We Can Do It!” selfie. Visit our website for more...


Lowell Kids Week: Decorating Band Boxes

Lowell National Historical Park Boott Cotton Mills Museum Counting House 115 John Street, Lowell, United States

All ages, no registration required The Mill Girls used bandboxes to store their hats, clothing, and accessories. These decorative boxes were covered in wallpaper or specially designed patterned paper on the outside. The inside was covered in newspaper showing headlines, articles, and advertisements of the day. Choose among a selection of colorful paper or create...


Lowell Kids Week: Weaving With Thread

Lowell National Historical Park Boott Cotton Mills Museum Counting House 115 John Street, Lowell, United States

Grades 3 - 12, no registration required Join rangers to learn several different fiber art methods to make your own woven creations. Try your hand at cross-stitch with easy Lowell themed patterns, weave on looms, and even use your fingers to knit a yarn friend. Visit our website for more information


Art in the Park with Jessica Peill-Meininghaus: Needlefelting- Practice IS Perfect

Lowell National Historical Park Boott Cotton Mills Museum Counting House 115 John Street, Lowell, United States

About Art in the Park Join LNHP and diverse local artists for our Art in the Park series of plein air (outdoors) art workshops. Under the guidance and teaching of local artists, we will use Lowell as a backdrop for inspiration and expression. Join in to grow your creative skill in different mediums, from drawing...

Art in the Park with Mary Hart: Wise Owls

Lowell National Historical Park Boott Cotton Mills Museum Counting House 115 John Street, Lowell, United States

In celebration of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month join us and create majestic owls based on a kite design from Thailand. Participants will trace, cut out, color and decorate this owl using heavy paper, markers and oil pastels, colorful streamers will be attached with help from the instructor.

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